About Rachel Walker, MFT

Rachel Walker, MFT

I love being a therapist. I find it deeply fulfilling and meaningful work. Most people benefit enormously from the careful, compassionate listening of a good therapist.

Therapy is a place where all aspects of yourself are welcome—fears, embarrassments, longings and resentments, as well as strengths and gifts. Learning to love and accept all of who you are is a huge part of healing. Therapy provides a place where acceptance and curiosity come first! It cultivates these qualities—which are so essential for healing—and installs them within so that you can carry them with you out into the world.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about who I am as a therapist is what therapy with me would look like for you. First and foremost, I care deeply about the unique journey each client travels. I am invested in your healing and growth, bringing my training, experience and expertise to your struggles and concerns. At the same time, I also bring who I am to the work, including a strong capacity for healthy relatedness, clear boundaries, insight, warmth and humor. I have a ready laugh, as well as a keen ability to understand painful feelings and paradoxical truths. My training and experience allow me to bring important concepts, techniques and tools to the process, while, at the same time, remaining respectful of your timing. Your internal sense of ‘readiness’ sets the pace of the work as we collaborate on moving forward with your goals.